Sunday 23 November 2014

Yarushka Singh makes her first debut in Bush Knife The Rise Film

Yarushka Singh debuts in her first movie 'Bush Knife The Rise' and one of Durban's Supermodels already known for her work in pageants, from an early age of 5.

A humanitarian at heart.  

A vegan and Inspired by nature striving for achievement in Electrical engineering. Personal interests(Reading,Chess,) Hobbies(modelling,Acting).

This actress portrays one of Bush Knife's daughters in the upcoming film.

As we can't give to much away you can catch updates on this upcoming actor and more on:

Saturday 15 November 2014

Dedicated To The Real King of Fighters.

Tyson, who passed away last year was a very good friend of Dayakar who I meet last year.

He was involved in my fan film based upon The King of Fighters video game. He was very passionate about this project and felt each characters move had to depict the actual moves in the video game.

A real fight choreographer and a good friend. So in 2015 we will start production on the fan film in dedication to this great man. Not only to bring a proper interpretation of the video game but also to correct the mistakes of the film.

No matter what I will push for Tyson did not want us to give up on our dreams.


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Kim's Ass

Okay I had to put my 2 cents in it. (Sounds dirty)
Now this has been making waves across the internet. Firstly let me say well done Kim.

But we already saw your ass in that porn video of yours. Only difference is now your oiled up.

In South Africa we come across this type of ass everyday. But because it's a so called celeb now the internet is going crazy. Nothing new here in fact. So people rather watch porn then see a celeb show a used ass.

Plus she's married and has a child. Ewwww.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Bush Knife The Rise Preview On American Television

Recently, a short 12 minute preview of Bush Knife The Rise was released on YouTube. It shows the alleged criminal Bush Knife being questioned by a Detective called Rome.

So far the video was well received. But that's not all. An American Network picked up the preview for television 5 days after its released.

Which proves that this attracted more then South African audience.

It will be shown on cable in January across the United States

Bush Knife The Rise Preview is currently playing on American television, Roku. In December it will be on Fios and in January it will be on comcast, and direct TV, Tivo and Dish.


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Bush Knife The Rise #TeaserTrailer

Jacob Zuma Has Resigned

Jacob Zuma has resigned from his position as President of the Republic of South Africa.
He has not yet confirmed this verbally, nor has he released the letter of resignation. Still, it is accepted that he has resigned. We may or may not have resigned for him: it doesn’t matter who resigned him, only that he has resigned. Those of us who know and accept that he has resigned will simply spread the word that he’s resigned until it is known from one end of South Africa to the other that he has resigned, and that anybody who says otherwise – including Zuma himself – is woefully mistaken on the matter.
This is not a petition: it’s the declaration of an accomplished fact. This accomplished fact may take a few weeks or months for Zuma to admit. But he has certainly resigned. It is something that doesn’t need courts, processes, tribunals, committees, parliaments and advisers to acknowledge. They’re absolutely wonderful but Jacob Zuma’s resignation doesn’t depend on their acknowledgement. It doesn’t even depend on his. It depends on ours. He’s resigned because weacknowledge that he’s resigned. In short, “He’s Resigned” – #HesResigned, #ZumasResigned
Spread that. Yell it from the rooftops. Tell it on the mountain. Share it on twitter. Tell your friends and family. One by one, your friends, families, colleagues and neighbors will also see it. How could they have doubted it for an instant? Zuma has resigned, no matter what even Zuma says on the matter. He doesn’t call the shots. WE do. He doesn’t confirm the facts. WE do. We confirm that he has resigned. No President can lead people who resolutely believe and accept that he’s resigned. If he speaks, we’ll chant, “You’ve resigned!” and accept nothing beside.
He’s resigned. It’s a fact whether he acknowledges it or not. Presidency can be so stressful – so many decisions to make, problems to solve and people to please. Among these many stressors, Jacob Zuma may have forgotten that he’s resigned. This is understandable and we’ll pardon these effects of this strain, and relieve him of his duties. Because he’s resigned.
The Office of the Presidency may deny that this has happened. It doesn’t matter, for we will simply chant, “He’s resigned!” in spite of their denial. In its confusion, the media will release reports that say he hasn’t resigned. In response, we will simply click the reply button and say #HesResigned in the comments section. We will write letters to editors, gently correcting them, saying #ZumasResigned. On forums, in message boards, on every conceivable platform, we will say, #ZumasResigned.
Oh, I can already hear the protests. “But – but – this is treason, it’s silly, it’s sedition, it’s untrue, it can’t be, it’s a rumour…!” So? He’s resigned, and the brief consequences of highlighting this fact cannot postpone the inevitable. And it’s inevitable because it’s happened already. And it’s happened already because WE say it’s happened already.
We will say #HesResigned on our Facebook statuses and on our bumper stickers. We will wear t-shirts that say #HesResigned. We will raise funds, buy advertising space and put up billboards and adverts saying, #ZumasResigned. That alone will cause colossal damage to the image of the government until the embarrassment is overwhelming. Then they’ll have to get rid of him. But it doesn’t even have to go that far. If every person who realizes that he has resigned just spreads this news, as news, it will become news. We will tell stories that begin with the words, “Remember when Jacob Zuma was President…” regardless of whether he has given his resignation in or not. We will consign him to the archives of history whether he is ready to be consigned or not. Why? Because he’s resigned. #HesResigned #ZumasResigned
There is no need for him to deny or affirm this fact. There is no need for the media or society to investigate the news: we are now deciding and creating the news just as President Zuma has decided and created the truth about Nkandla (and other issues) all along. How can it be a mere rumour that he’s resigned if so many people are saying the same thing?
Spread the news. Jacob Zuma has resigned.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Bush Knife The Rise (Exclusive Preview)

Okay guys. November the 7th we will be releasing an exclusive preview of our 2015 upcoming film Bush Knife: The Rise

But be warned, as it contains an age restriction if you do not have a Google account to verify your age you will not be able to watch it.

Join the group for the release of the preview

Click here to see the teaser trailer

  • Bush Knife The Rise revolves around William Singh, who after his home was invaded by a gang called The Skulls, takes his vengeance upon those apart of this criminal organization.
  • Starring Bruce Gounder, Jerome Naidu, Ryan Mayne, Angela Val Verde, Yarushka Singh, Livania Carnello, Elanza Nortje and Nerissa Singh. (Just to name a few)
  • Produced by Bruce Gounder and Renaldo Kell
Feature Film Releases late 2015