Thursday 19 March 2015

French Actor is confirmed for role in Bush Knife The Rise

  French actor, Nerim Abdel, confirmed for upcoming South African film Bush Knife The Rise. Known for his roles in major plays and also a tv series called "Our French years" and "United Nation."

This is one of the only durban films to feature International actors as well as American actors Joel Stephens, Donna Brook and Stephanie Irene who will be confirmed later this year. Bush Knife The Rise is set to released next year in United States of America, South Africa and possibly a french film festival in France.

The film is Directed by Renaldo Kell (Street Fighter Vengeance, Legacy of Steel) and also produced by Bruce Gounder known for his roles in local films as Broken Promises 2 and Run for your life as well as produced by William E. Bales (Stars of Hollywood). 

The film stars, Bruce Gounder, Jerome Naidu, Ryan Mayne (Spud), Angela Vel Verde, Livania Carnello, Yarushka Singh, Nerissa Reddy, Ishaal Singh, Joel Stephens (Sprockets and Splices USA), Donna Brook, Stephanie Irene and  Nerim Abdel. Just to name a few. 

You can check out the teaser trailer @

Produced by Production Company Bravospan Productions.

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